Tuesday, February 25, 2014


What is a program?

  • A set of instructions that execute on computer to perform a particular task
  • Instructions that run on CPU are in machine code
  • instructions that are encoded in binary (1s and 0s)
  • Human can not understand machine code directly 
  • But human can write programs in machine code
  • A tedious, time consuming and very error prone task
  • Need computer programming languages –to write a human readable code (source code) which can be converted into machine code

  • Assembly Languages 
    • Sets of binary digits are replaced by mnemonics (ADD, MOV)
    • Not user friendly, but easier than machine code
    • It is hard to understand another person’s assembly language programs
  • Assembler: translates mnemonics into machine code
  • Assembly languages are second generation languages
  • Machine code and Assembly languages are low-level programming languages
  • Programming in low-level languages required expertise in the field 
  • High level programming languages allow to write programs in English-like symbols 
    • write algorithms in a human-friendly notation
    • allow thinking at a higher level of abstraction than assembly or machine language supports
  • Third generation languages
  • Need to convert code in high level languages into machine code 
    • Compiler
      • translates the whole source code in to machine code at once
      • checks syntax errors 
      • produces an executable machine code (Machine dependent)
        • C, C++ , Java
    • Interpreter 
      • convert the source code of a program line by line to machine coed while the program is running
    • Compilers VS Interpreters
      • Compiler produces machine dependent MC at once 
      • Interpreter executes source code line by line in every execution of the program 
      • Compiler produces optimize MC that run faster on hardware 
      • Interpreter might execute a program slower than the compiled machine code for the same program 
      • It is easy to point out errors in a program with an Interpreter (Easy to debug)

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