Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Generations of Programming Languages

  • 1st generation -1GL
    • machine language
    • instructions coded using combinations of 0’s & 1’s
  • 2nd generation –2GL
    • assembly languages (low-level symbolic languages)
    • for each different instruction, have an associated short, human-meaningful acronym or name
    • one assembly language instruction is translated into one machine language instructionGenerations of Programming Languages
  • 3rd generation –3GL
    • high-level symbolic languages
    • one instruction generates multiple machine language instructions 
    • makes complex programming simpler and easier to read, write and maintain
    • BASIC , Fortran , C , C++ , Java , C# 
  • 4th generation -4GL
    • Very High level languages to develop software for specific purposes 
    • Non-procedural languages -what you want, not how to get itSQL, NOMAD and FOCUS
  • 5th generation -5GL
    • Languages used develop systems to mimic human experts 
      • Prolog , LIPS
      • Knowledge-base systems + inference engine
        • Root planning Systems
        • Medical Expert Systems 
    • Inference processing
    • Knowledge representations 
    • Used in Artificial Intelligence

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